Sunday, 2 November 2008

PPP ( Partai Persatuan Pembangunan )

In this reform era of the United Development Party (PPP) came back in the Islam principle. This was marked by the re-Kabah use as the sign of the picture of the party. For the party that was established during 1973 as the fusion of four Islam parties -the Nahdlatul Ulama Party, Partai of Indonesian Muslims, Partai of the union Islam Indonesia, and the Party Islam Perti-, the existence of Islam parties other as participants in the General Election (the General Election) 1999 clear was the rival in the receipt of the voice. Moreover if in view of the fact that several leading figures of these Islam parties were beforehand known as leading figures PPP.
The firm PPP attitude in the Session of Istimewa People's Consultative Assembly 1998 then often was considered as one of the factors that increased the popularity of the party. In the future, in his program, PPP continued to fight for the life of the democratic nation, that is straightening the ABRI function, the People's Representative Council, the president, and the country's other agency. With the Islam principle, PPP wanted to fight for the political order that was democratic by being based akhlakul karimah as well as developed the life that Islami. For PPP the struggle for the party was the struggle for the aspirations of the people.


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