Sunday, 31 August 2008

New Russian President Medvedev in Moscow During Four-Day Trip Through Russia

Russia and Europe are tied to each other in a multitude of ways, including by political, economic, and cultural interests, Steinmeier emphasized at the beginning of his trip. Thus they can address together the many problems that can only be solved jointly. Foreign Minister Steinmeier said he was pleased that it is now possible to reach a new partnership and cooperation agreement between the European Union and Russia.

Russia is and will remain an indispensable partner for Germany and the EU, including in the political shaping of the world of tomorrow, Steinmeier emphasized. The transfer of power in Russia is being greeted with expectations and confidence. Steinmeier noted that in taking office, both President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin had spoken of the modernization of the state and society. One will now take them at their word.

In his speech at the university, Steinmeier emphasized that modernization cannot be shouldered by the state alone. Therefore, Russia would need a vital civil society and a vital entrepreneurship.

Germany and the European Union are the natural partners in modernization for Russia, as it faces weighty modernization tasks: renovation of infrastructure, investment, creation of a socially just society. We want to make this mutual interweaving a joint advantage for the people in Russia, Germany and all of Europe, Foreign Minister Steinmeier said.

He named energy and climate policy, health care, demographic development as well as education and science as examples of fields of cooperation. For example, Russia would benefit if the energy branch worked more efficiently. Whereas German companies, which rely on efficient use of energy, could take part in the modernization of infrastructure. At the same time, the security of German and European energy supply would be increased


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