Many Kenyans got up in the early hours of the morning to watch United States Senator Barack Obama become the first African-American to be nominated for President by a major party.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Obama addresses a crowd in Nairobi during a 2006 trip to Kenya.
Labels: Obama
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 01:35 0 comments
Sources Of Government Contracts/Awards Related To Africa. Politics Of AIDS ... meeting point for all your information and educational needs on Africa
Listening for Food Aid in Zimbabwe
Hungry residents of a village in southeastern Zimbabwe have acquired an unusual skill: they have learnt to listen for trucks carrying food aid.
At AfricaPoliticsOnline, we seek to provide accurate, complete, informed and timely resource on African politics. Online ! We provide educational tools for African politics, with African perspectives on African issues .Our goal is to become the primary portal and the meeting point for all your information and educational needs on Africa politics. We are set as the nitch that bridge the divide between the news and the educational portals on Africa.Labels: Africa politics, aids, Government Contracts, Politics Of AIDS
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 01:31 0 comments
New Russian President Medvedev in Moscow During Four-Day Trip Through Russia
Russia and Europe are tied to each other in a multitude of ways, including by political, economic, and cultural interests, Steinmeier emphasized at the beginning of his trip. Thus they can address together the many problems that can only be solved jointly. Foreign Minister Steinmeier said he was pleased that it is now possible to reach a new partnership and cooperation agreement between the European Union and Russia.
Russia is and will remain an indispensable partner for Germany and the EU, including in the political shaping of the world of tomorrow, Steinmeier emphasized. The transfer of power in Russia is being greeted with expectations and confidence. Steinmeier noted that in taking office, both President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin had spoken of the modernization of the state and society. One will now take them at their word.
In his speech at the university, Steinmeier emphasized that modernization cannot be shouldered by the state alone. Therefore, Russia would need a vital civil society and a vital entrepreneurship.
Germany and the European Union are the natural partners in modernization for Russia, as it faces weighty modernization tasks: renovation of infrastructure, investment, creation of a socially just society. We want to make this mutual interweaving a joint advantage for the people in Russia, Germany and all of Europe, Foreign Minister Steinmeier said.
He named energy and climate policy, health care, demographic development as well as education and science as examples of fields of cooperation. For example, Russia would benefit if the energy branch worked more efficiently. Whereas German companies, which rely on efficient use of energy, could take part in the modernization of infrastructure. At the same time, the security of German and European energy supply would be increasedLabels: Foreign Minister Steinmeier, germany, germany news, news
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 01:05 0 comments
Saturday, 30 August 2008
More on Germany today
Germany Today
German Political System
German Politics
The German Parliament is made up of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. The supreme legislative body is the Bundestag (Federal Assembly), the lower house of Parliament, which is elected every four years. It in turn elects the Federal Chancellor (Bundeskanzler).
The Bundesrat (Federal Council), the upper house of Parliament, represents the 16 federal states (Bundesländer) and cooperates in law-making and administering the federation. Its members are appointed by the individual Länder, or states. Sometimes, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat blocking each other, making effective government very difficult and lead to a consens driven politics of compromise.
Labels: Parliament
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 04:52 0 comments
German Politics
Germany Flag Germany is a constitutional federal republic, whose political system is laid out in the 1949 constitution called Grundgesetz (Fundamental Law). It has a parliamentary system in which the head of government, the Bundeskanzler (Chancellor), is elected by the parliament.
Labels: German Politics
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 04:50 0 comments
If Sarah Palin becomes Vice-President of the United States an interesting domino effect could take place in the government of her home state, Alaska. Palin's selection as VP creates interesting scenario in Alaska
ABC News' Rigel Anderson reports
Labels: Palin's
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 04:46 0 comments
Bill Clinton News
Labels: Bill Clinton, news
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 04:40 0 comments
Explodes In Finleyville Woman's Face
ROSTRAVER (KDKA) ― Melissa Malone, 22, of Finleyville, required more than 50 stitches in her upper lip this week, after the gun she was shooting at a private shooting range in Rostraver exploded in her face.
The Washington County woman is now warning people who might have the gun - a Talon T-200 9 MM pistol - to get rid of it, because she says the gun isn't safe.
Malone tells KDKA-TV that she and several friends were at the firing range Wednesday afternoon.
At first, she said the gun worked fine, then the slide on the gun cracked in half, and parts went flying. She thought she lost her whole cheek, before the ambulance came and got her.
Malone says she still has a throbbing, stabbing pain in her mouth, like somebody took a knife, and went through her lip, and just cut it.
Doctors hope to take the stitches out of her lip next week, then, she expects to have to undergo plastic surgery.
We were unsuccessful tonight in trying to reach Talon, Inc., the company that manufactured the weapon.
Labels: KDKA-TV, Melissa Malone, somebody, Talon
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 01:01 0 comments
Friday, 29 August 2008
Russia and Georgia
Put out even more flags
Russia’s recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia will reverberate for a long time—not least at homeAug 28th 2008
Parallel bars
Serbia and Kosovo ponder their positions after the war in GeorgiaAug 28th 2008
To stay or not to stay
The debate over whether to keep French troops in Afghanistan heats upAug 28th 2008
Idlers under attack
A reformer takes on Italy’s bloated public sectorAug 28th 2008
An affinity for rules?
Germany has a grip on the business of inventing brainy new board-gamesAug 28th 2008
Labels: Russia and Georgia
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 04:23 0 comments
Europe's Pull Grows on Britain
Europe's Pull Grows on Britain
The British are invading Normandy again, this time not to save it from tyranny but to buy it for themselves. From Bayeux to Honfleur to Rouen, shop windows advertise everything from thatched-roof cottages to mini-chateaux. And the Brits--flush with cash, cramped for space and with easy access by air and the Chunnel--are snapping up vacation and retirement homes at a furious rate even though the pound (and the dollar) are down against the euro.
The passions of the British--whether in real estate, diplomacy or arms--matter more to America now than at any time since World War II, when GIs stormed the same beaches of Normandy that, increasingly, serve as vacation spots for English-speaking peoples. British Prime Minister Tony Blair is President Bush's only truly powerful global soulmate in the war on terror. He is Bush's best translator and sidekick. Without him, and without Britain, America would be even more isolated diplomatically than it is.
I am an American who covers his country's politics for a living. But I have been coming to the U.K. and Europe for decades, every year for the last several. This time, my family and I traveled from Western Ireland through Dublin and Scotland to England and France. My bottom line is this: Blair may be morally right to stand with America in the post-9/11 world. But he is (sadly in my view) on the wrong side of the drift of British history.
Labels: british politics, euro, europe politics
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 03:58 0 comments
Latest Headlines

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Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 03:46 0 comments
Obama blasts
Barack Obama of Illinois accepted the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night, declaring that Sen. John McCain of Arizona, his Republican opponent, was not up to the task of resolving America’s economic and foreign policy problems.
“Tonight, tonight, I say to the people of America, to Democrats and Republicans and independents across this great land — enough!” Obama declared as thousands of flash bulbs popped in the Denver Broncos’ stadium.
Obama wove the personal with the political in his 50-minute address to 84,000 supporters — and millions more at home — explaining how he would make a difference in their lives as president.
Labels: obama blas, people of america, presidential, usa
Posted by Monsterad Paramoly at 02:48 0 comments